Chapter 4 - Rahab
I. Introduction
A. Recap last week - The Continuity of the Covenant
B. Rahab
II. Recap - The Continuity of the Covenant
A. Focused on the Israelite National Covenant
B. National Covenant comprised of two parts
1. National blessing - I will make thee a great nation
2. Land - give Israelites all of the land from the Euphrates to the great sea
C. Also spoke of the Spiritual Covenant or "blessing" - all the world would be blessed through Abraham
III. Rahab - It's all about Faith and Demonstrating Your Faith through Works
A. The Spies Perspective
1. Read Joshua 2:1
2. Why did the spies go to Rahab's house? Easy to get "lost" there.
3. What did the spies get from Rahab?
a. Shelter - a place to stay
b. Priceless information - Rahab told spies citizens of Jericho feared the Israelites (read Joshua 2:9-11)
3. How did the spies exhibit Faith?
a. Read Joshua 2:14
b. Told Rahab she would be spared when the Lord gave them the land, not if, but "when".
B. Rahab's Perspective
1. Read Joshua 2:12-21
2. Without a doubt Rahab was a harlot in a heathen land
3. That fact is central to lesson today.
4. Because of what she had heard and seen she came to believe in the one true God
a. Heard about Israelites crossing Red Sea, winning victories over Sihon and Og
b. Seen first-hand faith of the two spies - weren't tempted while in Rahab's house
5. Rahab was one of the first non-Jew recipients of the spiritual blessing.
6. Read Hebrews 11:31
C. The Scarlet Cord
1. Closely parallels the blood of the Passover lamb
2. Those within her house would not be harmed
D. Faith in Action
1. Bible expressly states Rahab expressed her faith through action
2. She did not leave Jericho with the spies. She stayed behind in Jericho, placing herself in great peril. Had to have had faith and believed that her new, true God would keep her safe.
3. This faith recognized by James (read James 2:21,25)
4. Rahab gives us a powerful example of how to live in faith surrounded by heathens
a. Schaeffer - "Though you and I have stepped from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear Son, we are still surrounded by a culture controlled by God's great enemy, Satan."
b. Schaeffer - "It is just plain stupid for a Christian not to expect spiritual warfare while he lives in enemy territory."
E. Rahab: Ancestor of Christ
1. Read Joshua 6:25
2. Rahab lived with the Jews for the rest of her life
3. She married a prince's son from the tribe of Judah
a. Read Numbers 7:12
b. Read Ruth 4:18-22
c. Read Matthew 1:4-6
F. Conclusion - may we have the Faith of Rahab as we live in a heathen land.
(1) Joshua and the Flow of Biblical History, Frances Schaeffer, InterVarsity Press 1975
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Joshua and the Flow of Biblical History - Ch. 3
Ch. 3 - The Continuity of the Covenant
I. Introduction
A. Recap Ch. 2 - The Three Changeless Factors
B. Ch. 3 - The Continuity of the Covenant
II. Ch. 2 - The Three Changeless Factors
A. The Written Book
B. The Power of God
C. The Supernatural Leader
III. Ch. 3 - The Continuity of the Convenant
A. Recalling the Abrahamic Covenant
1. Abrahamic Covenant first given in Genesis 12:1-3
2. Author then goes on to say that to fully understand this convenant we need to go back further to Adam & Eve.
a. Covenant of Grace first given after Adam & Eve rebel
b. Prior to rebellion Convenant was based on works, they were without sin so grace was not needed.
c. Read Genesis 3:15. Very confusing scripture and controversial scripture
i. Some including our author, claim "seed of woman" referenced in scripture is Jesus
ii. Others say 'hogwash', no messianic prophecy was intended.
iii. Bibliography contains one view of each.
d. Covenant of grace limited to believers (Seth, Shem, down to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob)
e. Non-believers, no covenant (Cain, Ham, Esau)
f. Specific Covenant God made to Abraham had two parts
i. First was a spiritual blessing - all the world would be blessed through Abraham (Jesus was Jewish by birth, Abraham was the first Jew)
ii. Second was a national blessing with two parts
- Make Israel a great nation
- A promise of land
B. The Spiritual Portion
1. Read Acts 3:22, 24-26. Peter addressing Jews - their covenant with God has two parts. Spiritual one must be accepted and can only be obtained by believing in Jesus, the Christ (Messiah).
2. Read Romans 4:16-17. Spiritual covenant conveys to all, Jew and Gentile alike.
C. The National Portion
1. Read I Chronicles 16:15-18.
2. Read Genesis 15:5-18
3. Read Genesis 17:2-8
D. The Promises Repeated
1. Get the sense God's chosen people needed constant reminding (not unlike ourselves today)
E. Was God Unjust
1. Read Deuteronomy 9:4-5.
2. God clearly indicating timing of his gift of land dependent upon judgement upon Canaanites.
3. Author points to several other examples of God's patience finally giving way to judgement.
i. Proverbial straw that broke the camel's back
ii. Or author's visual is a full cup of water finally spilling over with the addition of just one more drop.
4. Author's point is that we won't receive our spiritual blessing until God's cup of patience is spilled.
i. Read Luke 18:8.
ii. Read Romans 11:26-27.
iii. Read Luke 17:26-30.
(1) Joshua and the Flow of Biblical History, Frances Schaeffer, InterVarsity Press 1975
I. Introduction
A. Recap Ch. 2 - The Three Changeless Factors
B. Ch. 3 - The Continuity of the Covenant
II. Ch. 2 - The Three Changeless Factors
A. The Written Book
B. The Power of God
C. The Supernatural Leader
III. Ch. 3 - The Continuity of the Convenant
A. Recalling the Abrahamic Covenant
1. Abrahamic Covenant first given in Genesis 12:1-3
2. Author then goes on to say that to fully understand this convenant we need to go back further to Adam & Eve.
a. Covenant of Grace first given after Adam & Eve rebel
b. Prior to rebellion Convenant was based on works, they were without sin so grace was not needed.
c. Read Genesis 3:15. Very confusing scripture and controversial scripture
i. Some including our author, claim "seed of woman" referenced in scripture is Jesus
ii. Others say 'hogwash', no messianic prophecy was intended.
iii. Bibliography contains one view of each.
d. Covenant of grace limited to believers (Seth, Shem, down to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob)
e. Non-believers, no covenant (Cain, Ham, Esau)
f. Specific Covenant God made to Abraham had two parts
i. First was a spiritual blessing - all the world would be blessed through Abraham (Jesus was Jewish by birth, Abraham was the first Jew)
ii. Second was a national blessing with two parts
- Make Israel a great nation
- A promise of land
B. The Spiritual Portion
1. Read Acts 3:22, 24-26. Peter addressing Jews - their covenant with God has two parts. Spiritual one must be accepted and can only be obtained by believing in Jesus, the Christ (Messiah).
2. Read Romans 4:16-17. Spiritual covenant conveys to all, Jew and Gentile alike.
C. The National Portion
1. Read I Chronicles 16:15-18.
2. Read Genesis 15:5-18
3. Read Genesis 17:2-8
D. The Promises Repeated
1. Get the sense God's chosen people needed constant reminding (not unlike ourselves today)
E. Was God Unjust
1. Read Deuteronomy 9:4-5.
2. God clearly indicating timing of his gift of land dependent upon judgement upon Canaanites.
3. Author points to several other examples of God's patience finally giving way to judgement.
i. Proverbial straw that broke the camel's back
ii. Or author's visual is a full cup of water finally spilling over with the addition of just one more drop.
4. Author's point is that we won't receive our spiritual blessing until God's cup of patience is spilled.
i. Read Luke 18:8.
ii. Read Romans 11:26-27.
iii. Read Luke 17:26-30.
(1) Joshua and the Flow of Biblical History, Frances Schaeffer, InterVarsity Press 1975
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Joshua and the Flow of Biblical History - Ch. 2
I. Introduction
A. Recap Last Week - Joshua's Preparation
B. This Week - Three Changless Factors
II. Recap - Joshua's Preparation
A. God had a plan - Joshua was the heir apparent
B. In Israel's 40 years of wandering Joshua learned many things about both leading and about his God, Yahweh
1. God does not tolerate rebellion
2. True power comes from God
3. God is always immediately present
3. Sin amongst God's people is terrible
4. Merely using the name of God is not sufficient
5. God can and will guide
6. God's glory must come first
7. God doesn't follow man-made rules
8. A man of God must stand and trust God
9. God keeps His promises
10. True spiritual leadership comes from God
11. No one is indispensable, yet each person is unique and important
III. Three Changless Factors
A. One - The Written Book
1. Pentateuch - God directs Moses to write down the law
2. Read Deuteronomy 31:9
3. Schaeffer calls it "propositional, verbalized communication from God to man"
4. Book was to be accessible by the people - read Deuteronomy 31:9-13
5. God commands Joshua to read, talk, know, and follow the Book - read Joshua 1:1-8
a. "law not to depart from Joshua's mouth" - talk about the Word
b. "meditate on it day and night" - cognitive activity, think about it.
c. "observe to do all that is written therein" - follow it, do it!
6. Joshua's acceptance of the Book was the beginning of the Canon
7. Joshua, as he lead the people, had an objective standard - The Book
8. Today, we too, have an objective standard to follow - The Bible (it is changeless)
B. Two - The Power of God
1. Read Joshua 3:7-17, 4:14-18
2. God again demonstrates His power - power of God upon Moses now associated with Joshua
3. God also emphasized this point during the battle with the Amalakites
a. Moses held his staff high - Israelites prevailed
b. Moses grew tired and lowered staff - Amalakites prevailed
4. God is in charge, He has the power; yesterday, today, and tomorrow
C. Three - The Supernatural Leader
1. God is a being - alpha and the omega, without end
2. Continuity of a Person - Read Joshua 5:13-17; 6:2
3. At end of his life Moses spoke about this continuity - read Deuteronomy 31:2-8
D. Three Changless Factors Today
1. Continuity of authority in the Book - read 2 Peter 1:19-21, Revelation 22:18-19
2. Continuity of the power of God - read Matthew 28:18. God has been, is, and always will be in charge
3. Continuity in the Supernatural Leader - read Matthew 28:20
4. Conclusion - Schaeffer says "Each of the three great changeless factors that stood at such a crucial time as Joshua's, at the change from the Pentateuhal to the post-Pentateuhal period, continues unbroken. There are changes in history, but these three things go on without changing. We in our battles in this century have the same book, the same power, and the same leader."
(1) Joshua and the Flow of Biblical History, Frances A. Schaeffer, InterVarsity Press 1975
A. Recap Last Week - Joshua's Preparation
B. This Week - Three Changless Factors
II. Recap - Joshua's Preparation
A. God had a plan - Joshua was the heir apparent
B. In Israel's 40 years of wandering Joshua learned many things about both leading and about his God, Yahweh
1. God does not tolerate rebellion
2. True power comes from God
3. God is always immediately present
3. Sin amongst God's people is terrible
4. Merely using the name of God is not sufficient
5. God can and will guide
6. God's glory must come first
7. God doesn't follow man-made rules
8. A man of God must stand and trust God
9. God keeps His promises
10. True spiritual leadership comes from God
11. No one is indispensable, yet each person is unique and important
III. Three Changless Factors
A. One - The Written Book
1. Pentateuch - God directs Moses to write down the law
2. Read Deuteronomy 31:9
3. Schaeffer calls it "propositional, verbalized communication from God to man"
4. Book was to be accessible by the people - read Deuteronomy 31:9-13
5. God commands Joshua to read, talk, know, and follow the Book - read Joshua 1:1-8
a. "law not to depart from Joshua's mouth" - talk about the Word
b. "meditate on it day and night" - cognitive activity, think about it.
c. "observe to do all that is written therein" - follow it, do it!
6. Joshua's acceptance of the Book was the beginning of the Canon
7. Joshua, as he lead the people, had an objective standard - The Book
8. Today, we too, have an objective standard to follow - The Bible (it is changeless)
B. Two - The Power of God
1. Read Joshua 3:7-17, 4:14-18
2. God again demonstrates His power - power of God upon Moses now associated with Joshua
3. God also emphasized this point during the battle with the Amalakites
a. Moses held his staff high - Israelites prevailed
b. Moses grew tired and lowered staff - Amalakites prevailed
4. God is in charge, He has the power; yesterday, today, and tomorrow
C. Three - The Supernatural Leader
1. God is a being - alpha and the omega, without end
2. Continuity of a Person - Read Joshua 5:13-17; 6:2
3. At end of his life Moses spoke about this continuity - read Deuteronomy 31:2-8
D. Three Changless Factors Today
1. Continuity of authority in the Book - read 2 Peter 1:19-21, Revelation 22:18-19
2. Continuity of the power of God - read Matthew 28:18. God has been, is, and always will be in charge
3. Continuity in the Supernatural Leader - read Matthew 28:20
4. Conclusion - Schaeffer says "Each of the three great changeless factors that stood at such a crucial time as Joshua's, at the change from the Pentateuhal to the post-Pentateuhal period, continues unbroken. There are changes in history, but these three things go on without changing. We in our battles in this century have the same book, the same power, and the same leader."
(1) Joshua and the Flow of Biblical History, Frances A. Schaeffer, InterVarsity Press 1975
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